Updated July 26 2024

   Averages and Extremes for the month of July 2024
 Average temperature     = 69.8°F
 Average humidity        = 80%
 Average dewpoint        = 62.9°F
 Average barometer       = 30.038 in.
 Average windspeed       = 1.9 mph
 Average gustspeed       = 3.3 mph
 Average direction       = 326° ( NW)
 Rainfall for month      = 6.17 in.
 Rainfall for year       = 19.80 in.
 Maximum rain per minute = 0.12 in on day 15 at time 17:11
 Maximum temperature     = 83.1°F on day 22 at time 16:20
 Minimum temperature     = 53.9°F on day 18 at time 06:15
 Maximum humidity        = 97% on day 24 at time 10:13
 Minimum humidity        = 47% on day 18 at time 18:21
 Maximum dewpoint        = 72.4°F on day 23 at time 13:06
 Minimum dewpoint        = 51.6°F on day 18 at time 6:10
 Maximum pressure        = 30.21 in. on day 18 at time 08:48
 Minimum pressure        = 22.75 in. on day 15 at time 17:00
 Maximum windspeed       = 21.9 mph from 297°(WNW) on day 15 at time 17:11
 Maximum gust speed      = 38.0 mph from 293°(WNW) on day 15 at time 17:10
 Maximum heat index      = 88.0°F on day 23 at time 13:46
 Avg daily max temp      =78.7°F
 Avg daily min temp      =62.2°F
 Growing degrees days    =257.2 GDD
 Corn growing degree days=536.8 GDD
 Total windrun           = 446.8miles
 Daily rain totals
 01.70 in.  on day 15
 01.01 in.  on day 23
 00.78 in.  on day 24
All Time Records to date

Record high temperature:  100.8 oF  at: 15:58  on: 23 Aug 2023

Record low temperature:   -15.3 oF  at: 07:29  on: 14 Jan 2024

Record high wind gust :   44.0 mph  from 290o  at: 22:47  on: 04 Apr 2023

Record  high average speed:28.8 mph  from 326o  at: 00:51  on: 20 Apr 2023

Record high rain rate:    0.18 in./min  at: 14:53  on: 16 Apr 2024

Record low barometer:     29.02 in.  at: 07:29  on: 27 Feb 2023

Record high barometer:    30.76 in.  at: 09:25  on: 03 Feb 2023

Record daily rain:        1.70 in.  at: 20:18  on: 15 Jul 2024

Record rain in 1 hour:    1.59 in.  at: 17:51  on: 15 Jul 2024

Record low wind chill temperature: -39.5 oF  at: 03:57  on: 14 Jan 2024

Warmest day on record 99.7 oF  on: 23 Aug 2023

Coldest night on record -12.1 oF  on: 15 Jan 2024

Coldest day on record -10.5 oF  at: 18:00  on: 14 Jan 2024

Warmest night on record 84.9 oF  on: 24 Aug 2023

Warmest July temperature: 97.0 oF 2023

Coldest July temperature: 50.4 oF 2023